Discount coupons are enjoying increasing popularity as a good marketing tool for sales promotion. Customer feel good about advantageous purchase and merchant is satisfied when revenues from sales are growing.
Discount coupons have a wide range of automatic settings e.g. sending emails with discount code while changing order status. Try to create a group of discount coupons that your customers can use while purchasing. Customer enters the coupon code in the ordering process and the discount is automatically reflected in the shopping cart.
To create discount coupon please follow the steps below:
- sign in into ClickEshop administrator and click [Customers] - [Discount coupons] - [Add]
- enter "Name" (e.g.: Get 5% off your next order)
- field "Activate coupons" remains marked
- set the validity for the coupon "Valid from" and "Valid until" (coupon can be activated also from a certain date in the future)
- "Notes" are used for internal purposes and it is not visible to customers
- coupon can be set from a certain "Minimum order value"
- and exclude products which "Maximum discount on the product (in %)", exceeds the certain value, e.g.
- 0% means that coupon can be applied for products with no discount
- 20% means that coupon can be applied for products with a discount up to 19.99%
- 100% means that coupon can be applied for all products
- fill in "Coupon only for products" if discount coupon can be applied only for specific products
- fill in "Exclude products (list of product codes)" if you want to exclude specific products from using discount coupon
- "Type of coupon" coupon can be set as a fixed value discount (e.g. 5€) or percentage discount off an order (total order amount takes into account the criteria set above)
- "Customer can use the coupon" select whether you want to set coupon for a single or for a multiple use
- to confirm all the settings press the button "Save"
- if you click again on the coupon details, system allows you to specify additional settings such as automatic coupon sending and generate discount coupons codes
To activate automatic coupon sending please follow the steps below:
- in coupon detail click the tab "Email"
- check box "Enable automatic free codes sending according order status" has to be marked
- v políčku "Order Status" select the order status should system automatically send an email with discount coupon (eg. shipped)
- system allows you to set the minimum order value for sending coupons automatically (if the order doesn't exceed the defined value, system doesn't send the coupon)
- text zasielaného emailu je možné upraviť
- pre potvrdenie všetkých nastavení stlačíte tlačítko "uložiť"
To generate coupon codes automatically click the tab "List of codes" (in coupon detail) and follow the steps below:
- click the button "Coupon generator" and enter:
- Number of coupons (coupons can be generated for each customer individually, but also one coupon for all customers - in this case it is needed to set that coupon can be used several times)
- Number of characters
- Prefix before coupon code (text e.g. SALE, numbers e.g. 2016)
- click "Generate coupons"
- generated coupons codes can be exported into XLS file and used for further work
- used codes with single use are displayed with gray color